Sometimes when you have a business, you wonder to yourself…
What’s the point? Does anyone really give a damn? Is it worth it? Is it working? Is this how it’s supposed to be? Will things ever change?
Usually, the questions just float into the ether. But once in awhile, the universe sends you a rock-solid, crystal-clear answer that smacks you in the face.
See, there’s this drawing in front of my desk.
I’m at the piano with an ear-to-ear grin. My son is jumping with joy. My wife and little girl have their hands raised, cheering.
My daughter drew it for me a few years ago. The picture also says I’m a great pianist.
I am not.
I’m not even a good pianist.
I can barely read notes.
But I can play a couple of tunes, and to her, at the time she drew it, it was enough. I smile whenever I glance up and see it taped to my wall. But it’s not just that. It reminds me of something I too often forget…
Everyone is somebody to someone.
The thing is, no matter how much self-critical BS swims in your head, that fact will never change.
Maybe you’ll ask who are you to do what you do and think what you think.
Who are you to have an opinion? And to even *gasp* ask for money and get paid for it?
And maybe you’re not recognized.
You don’t have a sign over your doorway to tell you you’re world famous or the best-of-the-best or the cream-of-the-crop.
Hell, if you’ve gotta be honest, maybe there are other people who are better. Even a good bit better.
But so what?
So-the-fuck what?
Because it doesn’t change the fact that you are somebody to someone. And it doesn’t change the fact that those someones are waiting to hear from you and want you as you are.
And they are the ones who matter.
All the time, we tell ourselves stories about who we aren’t, what we can’t do, and why we shouldn’t bother.
But if you want to honor the people who put their faith on the line and put their trust in you, you have to step up.
The thing is, most of us see marketing as a tool.
Some sad-sack chore you do so you can peddle your wares and keep your business alive.
But I beg to differ.
It might be that now ain’t exactly the easiest time to run a business.
But you know what’s also true?
You’ve got a megaphone like never before. Tight there in front of your face. Every day. All the time. There are more ways to reach people than ever before, and anyone can do it.
The truth is, it’s exactly because it’s a bare-knuckle death race out there that it matters more than ever to stand for something and make yourself heard.
And, amazingly, if you do it right, word spreads and your audience grows, and suddenly, you’re somebody to even more someones.
So lean in.
Lead with you.
Share things that make people cheer and jump for joy.
Put yourself into your content.
Things will change. Business will change. You’ll change.
Because your audience is out there, waiting for you.